Wornington Green estate
Homes under threat: 150
Landlord: RBKC
Ballot Status: Exempt
Planning Status: Approved
Developer: Catalyst Housing Association
Architect: PRP
Itla: Newman Francis
Circa 150 homes on RBKC's Wornington Green estate remain earmarked for demolition by Catalyst Housing Association on phase 3 of its scheme.
The estate's original 538 council homes are being replaced by 1,000 new homes, the precise tenure of which is still unclear.
Catalyst's website describes the replacement social housing as 'affordable rent':
The Mayor approved funding for the scheme in 2017 and exempted it from his requirement to ballot residents on the demolition of their homes.
Natasha Langridge, a temporary resident on the estate, has directed a project recording the oral histories of residents. Here's one of the audio extracts from Keith Stirling - chairman of the Wornington Green Residents Association:

The full documentary is available for viewing online here: https://vimeo.com/461591871
In September 2022, residents on the final remaining phase of the estate complained that they had been living on a building site for more than 10 years.
Planning permission for the remaining phase 3 of the scheme is due to be decided in Autumn 2024. Local community activists have set up a website campaigning for more social housing and the retention of trees: https://www.worningtontrees.com/
RBKC's planning application (ref:PP/21/07028)