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Fred Wigg and John Walsh Towers

Homes under threat: 200
Landlord: Waltham Forest Council
Ballot Status: Required

Montague Rd estate image

Circa 200 homes in two towers on the Montague road estate have been earmarked for redevelopment.

The estate was initially one of 11 estates identified for possible redevelopment in a 2010 Estates Capacity Study.

image of estates study

Two tower blocks (Fred Wigg and John Walsh Towers) were earmarked for possible demolition in the capacity study. However, in 2018 it was decided to refurbish instead of redevelop the two towers, but the botched commencement of refurbishment works has led the Council to re-consider demolition.

In 2023, Waltham Forest Council came forward with new proposals for redevelopment. Its latest proposals claimed that continuing refurbishment would cost £35-42m, while redevelopment would cost £250m.

The new redevelopment option would involve building circa 450-500 new homes which would be all be “affordable”, split 50:50 between social rent and shared ownership.

The redevelopment plans were included within the borough's Local Plan before being subject to consultation and a resident ballot.

In February 2024, it was reported that the proposals to demolish the two blocks will be delayed due to the “challenging economic climate”.

The same press article reported that Deputy Council leader Ahsan Khan said that "the council is “committed” to balloting residents to decide which “investment options” to take forward in the future."


Local Plan site allocation - 2024