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Lansbury estate

Homes under threat: 169
Landlord: Poplar Harca
Ballot Status: Exempt
Planning Status: Approved
Developer: Telford Homes
Architect: Sheppard Robson

Chrisp street image

169 homes are under threat of demolition on the Lansbury estate in Bromley-by-Bow.

The homes, managed by Poplar Harca housing association have been earmarked for redevelopment as part of the Chrisp Street market regeneration scheme and include the LCC-built 20-storey Fitzgerald House.

Tower Hamlets issued a Compulsory Purchase Order in 2021, which confirmed the buildings to be demolished in order to make way for the scheme:

Chrisp Street CPO extract

Poplar Harca's website for the scheme says that the scheme will provide 761 new homes: 202 for affordable rent, 23 shared ownership and 536 private sale.

Planning for the scheme was approved in 2018 but Poplar Harca's website says that the scheme "is currently on pause while we make improvements to the plans to make sure they meet the Government’s new fire safety regulations."

Chrisp Street CGI


GLA planning reports